Saturday, October 11, 2008

It’s all in the family!

It’s time to stop blaming one’s work schedule for those increasing waistlines, and join hands with your nearest and dearest to fight the bulge and stay healthy.

A family that sweats it out together, stays together!

Although improving one’s self image doesn’t pass off as the latest lifestyle trend, the new progressive means of achieving the same have always been the talk of the town. Most often, the pace of life (or just the excuse of it) keeps one from joining regular work out sessions be it a flexi-hour gym or a 24-hours-open lush green park near one’s residence. The solution lies in incorporating exercise into your daily life, by making it a family affair. There are surveys that have proved that children prefer exercising with parents, and we dare say, time spent playing and exercising together is time well spent. More and more people are realising that family work-outs result in not only a good looking family but also one in harmony with each other.

One has the option of setting-up domestic exercise equipments at home, or if one faces cost constraints, then the cheaper option is to pick up videos of yoga, aerobics etc. and practice them together. Another latest trend and a more sustainable technique of shedding those extra kilograms is to call the trainer home, who will also wait in your house till you make up your mind to get into your sports gear! “It is difficult to be on your own when it comes to work-outs,” say the Mathurs who have a Yoga instructor visit their home and train the family together.....Continue

Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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